What Makes OMS Side Grip Vibro Hammer Different and Better?

OMS Pile Driving Equipment GmbH. provide a large selection of side grip vibro hammer for sale. We also offer side grip vibratory hammer for rental. As we are a manufacturer of vibro hammer and its attachment you can save your time and money. It is also possible to have customised design and colors sheet and tube pile drivers upon special request.

Gripping Arms/Clamp and the Bottom Clamp

Side Grip Vibratory Hammer is equipped with both gripping arms/clamp and the bottom clamp. One of the clamps is located in front of the vibration case, while the other one is below the vibration case. Hydraulic clamps have gripping jaws. The hydraulic cylinder operates the gripping arms with force up to 500 kN. Bottom clamp is operated with up to 633 kN, depending on clamp relief pressure. The clamps can be opened and closed directly from excavator “Joy Stick” or from the electrical remote control monitor. Clamping and un-clamping occurs in a few seconds.

Side Grip vibro Hammer

Gripping Arms/Clamp and the Bottom Clamp

30° Tilting and 360° Rotating Mechanism

OVR SG series vibratory hammer has 360° rotating and +/- 30° tilting mechanism. This mechanism makes it effective for pile driving on most sites from open areas to confined spaces or limited headroom.

Side Grip Vibro Hammer

Side Grip Vibro Hammer

Quick Setup Time
The vibro hammer can be fitted easily and quickly without any modifications required to the excavator and is controlled directly by the excavator operator.

The vibrator consists of five major components:

  • The Yoke
  • The Vibration Case
  • The Vibration Suppressor
  • Hydraulic Clamps
  • Gripping Arms

Customised Design & Colors

As we are a direct manufacturer with a team of experienced technicians and engineers, we can also make custom design & manufacturing to meet your projects needs and requirements.

Customized Design Side Grip Vibro Hammer

Customized Design Side Grip Vibro Hammer

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